Welcome to Members of
RAAF Darwin Golf Club

Login Details

Your username is the last four digits of your golflink number but removing any leading 0's. e.g 0080900711 becomes 711, 0080901535 becomes 1535 and your club will provide you a temporary password for the initial login. Please contact the club if you have any problems with the initial login. Once logged on you will be prompted to change your password. Your new password must be a minimum of seven characters with a combination of at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, one symbol and cannot contain your username/member number. This password format is essential to provide a secure system for our users.

Terms and Conditions

This Web site is provided by RAAF Darwin Golf Club. By using the site or downloading materials from the site, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions.

Forgotten your password? | Need help logging on?

© OneGolf 2011 | 1golf@miclub.com.au

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