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Thursday 6 June 2024

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Club News

Hi Everyone

Last Saturday we held  the June Monthly Medal and we had 49 have a crack at the event.

Ladies Medal Winner  Lyn Langley  71 Nett

A Grade winner  Brian Dienelt 66 Nett Runner up Scott Thomson 68 Nett

B Grade  Winner Peter Orr 68 Nett Runner up John King 68  Nett

C Grade Winner Lyn Langley 71 Nett Runner up Brendan Murphy 71 Nett. Brendon receives the Medal as Lyn has won the Ladies.

Jackpot Hole  Kirsten Butler  Guzzlers Mug  Brian Dienelt  NAGA Bill Elliott, Sweepstake Colin Chilcott, Ball Rundown to 71 Nett.

This weekend we are holding the Club 4BBB Championships, this is an honour board event and it is normally well represented and very close in the scoring. Daily prizes are available for both days and the overall winners for the Mens and Ladies will be the best Nett scores over 2 days. The overall prizes will be given at the presentation afternoon but will be presented on the day if the winners are still in attendance. Members need to pay more attention to what is being said in ENEWS as we have stated quite clearly in previous posts that this EVENT IS A PAIRS EVENT WITH NO SWINGERS YET WE STILL GET MEMBERS BOOKING IN WITHOUT A PARTNER, please dont get nasty if you have put your name down as a single player and i have matched you up with another single player, who knows you may win the event. Please ensure you have your name on the BOOKING SHEET FOR BOTH DAYS. Best of luck to all players.

Congratulations to Brian Dallistson for a very good HOLE IN 1 on the 2nd hole at Vets on Tuesday afternoon, both Brian and his playing partner were looking for the ball and could not see it until they looked in the hole.

A reminder the PGA is holding a special event on the 23rd of June for Uncles birthday so please scroll down for details and an RSPV is required for catering, phone number listed below in the PGA section.

Match Committee Points:

1 The RGDC posters have been sent to other Clubs and nomination forms for our Open, thanks to Nerida Atkins for once again doing the poster work, we have some posters displayed at the clubhouse and nomination forms are at the bar. Once again MEMBERS AND VISITORS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE MICLUB SYSTEM, you need to fill an entry form out and present it to the bar, you can pay for it on the Saturday of the RDGC Open, We will do our best to put you in the time slot that you pick.

2  Safety of other players,  we had an incident of a member being hit on the head and having to receive 9 stiches in her head, this could have been fatal if the ball had hit another area on the head, please have a good look in front of you and make sure you are confident in what shot you are going to play, if unsure wait until the players in front have cleared the area and are safe, please remember to yell out a warning to the players ahead if you think they are in danger. I also witnessed a conversation amongst a few players about hitting up, this is also a dangerous thing to do and should not be done in the better interests of safety, we do not need members being hurt or even worse disabled on the course.

3. As has been mentioned in the ENews over the last few weeks unfinancial members have been reminded to pay the yearly fees, the cut off day was last week and all unfinancial members have now been excluded from playing and their golflink number has been suspended.

Thanks to all the volunteers that have been out on the course keeping it playable, your contribution is greatly appreciated.

Thanks to Mike Walker for his work as Sponsors Member as we have been receiving a fair bit of interest from several businesses re sponsorship to the club, more details to follow, Tee Box signs are going to be removed and we should have them back looking better for the Open.

WORKING BEE FOR SUNDAY THE 16th June to tidy up around the course and clubhouse in preparation for the RGGC OPEN  will start at 0730am and will have more details next week of what is required.


Greg Worden

Acting Captain




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Come and enjoy a Thursday afternoon at the Burglars "Chook Run". Burglars is a fun 9 hole Stableford comp playing either the Front or Back 9 course (alternating each week). Players scoring 18pts or above win a chook and if you are no good at golf - you could win one in the raffle!!  

$10 entry fee for members and $20 for non members includes the comp, NTP prizes and the entry in the raffle. Full bar facilities available. Tee off between 2pm and 4.30pm every Thursday - no booking required. (Also open to non-members or people without handicaps). See Dave (Bargain) Price .

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Come and enjoy a Tuesday afternoon at the Vets "Bunnings and Back" comp. Vets is a 9 hole Stableford comp for over 50's golfers using a composite tee format. (i.e. the shortest route around the course). $5 entry fee allows for chance to win a sleeve of balls and NTP prize with after comp snacks provided. Bar facilities available. Tee off between 2pm and 4pm every Tuesday. No booking required. See Dom Tartaglia or Pete Southon for more details.

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PGA social golf is held every Sunday - 9am for a 9.30am start. It's a Stableford format but be prepared for the after round "fines" session. Visitors and players without handicaps can join in. 

Contact Stuart "Uncle" McPherson for more details. 

"Uncle" is turning 75!!

Sunday 23 June, 
PGA hit off 9.30am 
9 holes followed by Pizza & Drinks for Uncles 75th.

Please RSVP by 20 June to assist with catering on 0417 780 619.

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Click on Logo for 2024 Calendar


4BBB Championships - 8 - 9 June 2024  

RAAF Open - 29 & 30 June (bookings to be made by registration form)

Bar News

New products in stock now:

Canadian Club & Dry No Sugar - $7.50

Hard Solo - Alcoholic Lemon - $7.50

Woolworths Coolalinga Open:

Humpty Doo Golf Club

1st and 2nd June 2024 

Contact Humpty Doo Golf Club to enter

Alice Springs Masters

Is on again this year 12-19 October. Go to website for more information.

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Executive Committee

John O'Connor (President)

John Tony Marshall (House Member)

Lorna Brew

All correspondence should be emailed to:

Match Committee

Peter Egart   (Captain)

John Humphreys (Handicapper)

Mike Walker   (Sponsorship)

Vince Tyndall (Greens Member)

Mike Saynor (Committee Member)

Jenny Malone (Committee Member)

Mike Gordon (Committee Member)